YFF debuts in Milan

Portuguese-based brand YFF - Young Fashion Footwear - presented itself to the world in Milan, during the last edition of Micam, for the first time
“We could not be absent if we want to position ourselves in the market. When we decide to come here (to the Micam trade fair), we are marking our position”, stated José Leite. The brand communications officer stressed that “not doing a thing was not an option.”
“This brand is born from a word I like a lot: courage. In the middle of a pandemic, in a situation of falling orders, we created a new brand”. YFF was born, back in May, “to embrace a new market niche and to continue the production sequence of the parent factory, DeShoes”.
Headquartered in S. João da Madeira, in the north of Portugal, the company currently employs 200 workers. In this first collection, for Spring-Summer, the products are very differentiated “as a way of showing the potential of national footwear”.
The brand seeks to assert itself for quality, design and communication and wants to be on the feet of young and daring women: "We believe that YFF can give DeShoes a boost."
With a five-year timeline, the company's goal is that the new brand can contribute with 2.5 million euros in turnover.