World Footwear


Wolf & Son, like father like son

Mar 2, 2016 Portugal
According to the brand’s own words this is “a loyal brand for all the noble pack leaders, who leave their mark as they walk the path”

Wolf & Son is a new brand of men’s footwear established on decades of family knowledge, and based on the heritage, superior quality craftsmanship and excellence of manufacture. Created a year and a half, Wolf & Son is a trademark by Jovan, a Felgueiras-based (North of Portugal) company producing men, women and children’s footwear. A family business where the art of shoemaking has been passed on from generation to generation, honoring the elders and guiding the younger.

With 95 employees, the company produces, on average, a thousand pairs per day and most part of its production is sold in the international markets. Spain, The Netherlands and the United States are the main destinations, but countries like Germany, France, UK and Italy also are buyers of Jovan-made footwear.

The new brand, Wolf & Son, focus on classic timeless aesthetics combined with an understated attitude, significant attention to detail, and has a particularity: to replicate the same model for men and children. Like father, like son. United States, Korea and Japan are the main destinations of Wolf & Son, which directs 80% production to foreign markets.

Allying the virtue of craft and the excellence of skill, Wolf & Son denotes careful selection to the choice of raw materials for implementation. Focusing on natural elements the brand speaks to the contemporary male. Showing the minimum of decoration and paying the utmost attention to details, to make a long lasting shoe for all wolves and wolf cubs. All fathers and their sons.

The next step is to reach the female audience, and start producing footwear that can be worn by mothers and daughters. A medium-term project. For now Wolf & Son will incorporating some unisex models approaching this market segment.

For more information about Wolf & Son please refer to the brand’s website.

Image and Video Credits: Wolf & Son

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