Tunisia aiming to double leather and footwear exports

Last year, the country attained roughly 550 million euros from exports of leather and shoes. The aim is double the amount by 2030 by adding value and attracting foreign investors
In order to reach that goal, Tunisia is planning to attract foreign investment into the industry and to do it the country’s authorities are focusing on its “attractive production costs compared with other Mediterranean countries”. A central location in the Euro-Mediterranean logistics chain, less than a three-hour flight away from European metropolises gives the country some interesting advantages.
“Tunisia’s location gives it access to European countries as well as African and Gulf ones, where growth is solid and purchasing power is high”, Tunisia’s ambassador to Brasília, Mohamed Hedi Soltani told ANBA, the Brazil-Arab News Agency.
The country has also been focusing on celebrating preferential and bilateral agreements, including free trade agreements with the several countries and regions.
According to ANBA, tax and financial incentives available to businesses, particularly exporting ones, include VAT-free exports and imports of raw material and equipment. Locally sourced goods and services are also eligible for VAT exemption. Profits on equity investments in foreign currency can be wired abroad freely. Companies in services and industry get a four-year grace period on taxes levied on revenue as well as corporate taxes, among other advantages.
Tunisia's Footwear Industry
The footwear industry in Tunisia is mainly located in the areas of Nabeul, Tunis and Sfax. Tunisia is Africa’s most important footwear exporter, but according to the World Footwear 2020 Yearbook (Available HERE) its exports fell in 2019. Tunisia exports mainly to large European markets, led by Italy and Germany, and sources mostly from China. The country's industry exports mainly leather footwear (with a share of 67% in the total footwear exports).
Source: ANBA.com.br
Image credits: Pat Whelen on Unsplash
Image credits: Pat Whelen on Unsplash