World Footwear


Three Land: changing the world one sneaker at a time

Sep 7, 2021 Portugal
Three Land: changing the world one sneaker at a time
Get to know a new Portuguese brand, whose sneakers are 100% vegan and entirely made from recyclable and sustainable material
Can we change the world from sneaker to sneaker? Can our shoes make a difference? Three Land believes so and, therefore, more than a brand, it presents itself as a commitment: "At a time when action is urgently needed to save our planet, how can a sneaker change the world? How can one piece of footwear change all this? Alone, it cannot, but imagine what some sneakers can do if they stop being just shoes and become a movement”.

This is the new challenge proposed by the brand of André Oliveira. With a strong connection to the footwear sector, the entrepreneur wants to make a difference. "At Three Land, we are giving small steps to change the world”. The three-generation commitment works in a simple way: it begins with your actions, which will become the values of your children and a true legacy to your children’s children. "By making conscious choices for ourselves and for those we love, we are showing them what really matters”.

Thus, it was born the Three Land Vitamin model, an ordinary shoe, 100% vegan, entirely made from recyclable and sustainable materials, with a simple design, genderless and comfortable, created to last and, more importantly, for everyone. "The same model fits all, varying only in size and colour so that you can buy a pair and keep it as long as possible, without having to think about fashion trends and keeping your mind (and feet) on the planet”. But that’s not all. The comfort is also guaranteed, since each shoe is composed of an anatomic sole by Sanipur, one protector that favours feet’s hygiene, preventing the proliferation of mites and bacteria. 

The brand is not stopping here and challenges its customers to go further: "With a fair price and conscious production and delivery, we ask you something in exchange: to use your Model Zero and offer it to a future generation. It can be your child, your nephew, your friend’s child. They are the ones who will continue to change the world. They are the ones that will tell their children how to do it”.

For more information about Three Land please refer to the brand's website clicking HERE

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