World Footwear


The recovery of Russian imports

Dec 5, 2017 Russian Federation
The recovery of Russian imports
In the first semester of 2017, footwear imports by Russia increased by 41.9% in volume and by 32.6% in value. After the growth registered in 2016, the country seems to be on the recovery path
According to the latest edition of the World Footear Yearbook (available here), in 2016 Russia was the 10th largets footwear importer (in volume). During the first half od the current year, Russia's footwear imports registered double digit growth rate. If this rhythm of growth continues, Russian imports will close the year crossing the 3 billion USD threshold, and will register the second year of positive growth after massive declines in 2014 and 2015. Reflecting the political instability felt in the region, Russian footwear imports declined from 4.28 billion USD in 2013, the highest amount recorded in the last decade, to only 2.25 billion USD in 2015.

China, with a 51% share, is still the main supplier although imports from that country have fallen by a third over the last five years. Five countries ensure 80% of Russia’s imports: China (51%), Italy (12%), Vietnam (10%), Indonesia (4%) and Belarus (3%).

Taking into account the ten largest suppliers, only India had a decrease in value (-22.5%). All other countries consolidated value of imports, with two digits growth rates (except Indonesia, which grew at only 2.6%). In volume terms, all 10 main suppliers grew at two-digit rates, except Indonesia and India (with 17.9% and 30.3% declines, respectively).

Imports from Italy, Spain and Portugal grew at fast pace (above 30%), in both quantity and volume.

Main categories imported

Russia imports mainly leather footwear (48%), followed at some distance by rubber and plastic (26%) and textile (24%). Quantities and value of imports of all categories increased in the first semester; however, the impact on the average price was different depending on the category of products, as the intensity of growth was different: the average price for rubber and plastic decreased by 10%; textile by 6%. The average price for leather shoes increased by 13% and for waterproof by 11%.

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