Shoes that help refugees

Footwear companies can (and should) have the responsibility of giving back to society and still perform economically well. Women4change is a footwear company that is helping Syrian refugees
The brand Women4Change was born as a result of a partnership between the Spanish footwear producer “Gioseppo”, “Esperanza Pertusa” Foundation and the NGO “Sonrisas e Aceitunas”.
It is a brand that aims to help Syrian refugees to become more independent. How? By offering these women a place to work and a job to do (sew shoes). All distribution and marketing efforts are made by the footwear producer, that is in charge of putting this shoes available to the market.
This initiative is a way to really impact people. Syrian refugees have been through a lot. Just to leave their country and reach another continent was definitely very hard. But after being there, another problem arises: How can these people have an active contribution to society, and feel that they belong to it? Language and culture are barriers that limit the capability of these people, who struggle to find a job for a long period of time.
Refugees need more than a job.
The partnership between the organizations mentioned before is helping to change that. Not only it offers a chance for women to work and integrate into the society, as they even offer other support:
? Psychological support for them and their kids
? English and computers lessons
? Medical assistance
? Education services
More than 300 women already joined the opportunity and it’s expected that more will do the same.
This footwear initiative proves that there are ways to be socially responsible while still making business and money, as the shoes made by these women are sold for 49.95 US dollars.
It is a brand that aims to help Syrian refugees to become more independent. How? By offering these women a place to work and a job to do (sew shoes). All distribution and marketing efforts are made by the footwear producer, that is in charge of putting this shoes available to the market.
This initiative is a way to really impact people. Syrian refugees have been through a lot. Just to leave their country and reach another continent was definitely very hard. But after being there, another problem arises: How can these people have an active contribution to society, and feel that they belong to it? Language and culture are barriers that limit the capability of these people, who struggle to find a job for a long period of time.
Refugees need more than a job.
The partnership between the organizations mentioned before is helping to change that. Not only it offers a chance for women to work and integrate into the society, as they even offer other support:
? Psychological support for them and their kids
? English and computers lessons
? Medical assistance
? Education services
More than 300 women already joined the opportunity and it’s expected that more will do the same.
This footwear initiative proves that there are ways to be socially responsible while still making business and money, as the shoes made by these women are sold for 49.95 US dollars.