Revenue growth continues at CCC

The Poland-based company has announced the results for the first nine months of the year. Dynamic revenue performance continued with 8.1% increase in quarter sales and 16.7% increase in year to date sales
By the end of the third quarter the Poland- based group had a total number of 751 outlets, of which 686 are own stores or agencies, and the remaining 65 are franchised points of sales. Poland, the home country of the brand, concentrates most of the stores (427 own and agency and 6 franchise stores). This compares to a total of 735 outlets by the end of previous quarter, of which 676 were own stores or agencies and 59 franchised points of sales.
Revenue in the third quarter of the year reached 120.6 million euros, up by 8.1% from similar period in 2014. Net profit for the period totaled 8.0 million euros, down by 15.9% from similar period last year. Accumulated revenue and net profit for the first nine months of the year reached 365.3 and 34.2 million euros, respectively.
In terms of the geographic structure of sales 61.3% from the global third quarter sales where generated in Poland, which compares to 68.4% in similar period last year. This is followed at distance, by Czech Republic with a share of 8.6% (8.7%), Hungary with 5.8% (6.3%) and Slovakia with 4.8% (5.0% last year).
Women’s footwear is still the major category of products, generating 58.2% of total sales (compares to 56.4% in the third quarter of 2014). Men’s footwear follows with an 18.5% share (compares to 19.5% in similar period last year), and kids footwear with 13.6% (14.9% last year). Bags, shoe care products, and other types of products all have residual shares below 6%.
The company announced that the strategy of dynamic foreign expansion will continue with the CEE countries being the most important part of the future growth. Significant investments are forecasted in Germany and Austria, which added to key markets Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
2015 is the last year of the three year strategy of foreign expansion announced by CCC back in August 2012. The strategy is to be continued in 2016-2017, while the main base of growth in Europe is to remain in CEE, SE and Baltic regions.
Revenue in the third quarter of the year reached 120.6 million euros, up by 8.1% from similar period in 2014. Net profit for the period totaled 8.0 million euros, down by 15.9% from similar period last year. Accumulated revenue and net profit for the first nine months of the year reached 365.3 and 34.2 million euros, respectively.
In terms of the geographic structure of sales 61.3% from the global third quarter sales where generated in Poland, which compares to 68.4% in similar period last year. This is followed at distance, by Czech Republic with a share of 8.6% (8.7%), Hungary with 5.8% (6.3%) and Slovakia with 4.8% (5.0% last year).
Women’s footwear is still the major category of products, generating 58.2% of total sales (compares to 56.4% in the third quarter of 2014). Men’s footwear follows with an 18.5% share (compares to 19.5% in similar period last year), and kids footwear with 13.6% (14.9% last year). Bags, shoe care products, and other types of products all have residual shares below 6%.
The company announced that the strategy of dynamic foreign expansion will continue with the CEE countries being the most important part of the future growth. Significant investments are forecasted in Germany and Austria, which added to key markets Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
2015 is the last year of the three year strategy of foreign expansion announced by CCC back in August 2012. The strategy is to be continued in 2016-2017, while the main base of growth in Europe is to remain in CEE, SE and Baltic regions.