World Footwear


Portuguese footwear strengthens digital focus

Jan 23, 2019 Portugal
Portuguese footwear strengthens digital focus
The CTCP, Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre, promoted an event to present new technologies for the local footwear cluster, developed through projects integrated in its digital strategy
On the 9th of January 2019, the event Step2Footure - Digital Strategy, promoted by CTCP, the Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre, was held in São João da Madeira, in the North of Portugal.

This event included a seminar focused on some of the topics under the spotlight in the footwear sector in Portugal, such as BIO footwear (FAMEST project), digital innovations for the industry (project Step2Footure), 3D printing (with the testimony of the company BEEVERYCREATIVE) and the dynamics of new online sales platforms (with the presence of the companies The Feeting Room and Minty Square). After the seminar, participants had the opportunity to visit an exhibition showing materials and technologies developed under the project STEP2FOOTURE and attend demonstrations of new technologies, products and emerging materials in the footwear sector.

In exhibition were the innovative technologies and products developed under RTD projects coordinated by the  Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre, such as the Extra Light Safe Shoe, Newalk or Fascom and BEinCPPs that rely on innovative products and technologies for footwear. Cyberphysics in footwear (BEinCPPs), FASCOM (Fashion-Cognizant-Manufacturing) interactive stores, cutting systems fully adapted, 3D printing and new materials and components for fashion footwear and technical footwear were some of the innovations presented.

An integrated strategy

According to Luís Onofre, President of APICCAPS, the Portuguese Footwear Association: "these investments are in line with the Strategic Plan of the sector". Leandro de Melo, General Manager of the Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre commented: "the focus on innovation has evolved in an appropriate way” and "efficient, value-creating innovations have to cover three fundamental parameters: creativity, knowledge and marketing". In other words, to ensure a successful development of the industry in the markets, "it is necessary to associate the modern and innovative designs with the functionalities of the products and the marketing of those in the international markets".

And this is what the Portuguese Footwear Cluster has done and will continue to do: "designing new collections, with fashion and design, and presenting them in the main world fairs". Simultaneously, "it will continue to invest in marketing and communication", commented Leandro de Melo. According to the General Director of the Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre, the sector has also been reinforcing "the investments in the improvement of the industrial organization and in the optimization of the manufacturing processes guaranteeing that the Portuguese footwear industry continues being a reference of excellence at international level".

The development of new materials and processes that allow the production of new footwear with functionalities closer to meet the demands of highly sensitive consumers, such as characteristics of environmentally friendly, sustainable, biodegradable and low carbon footprint, are other key investment areas in this industry.


The event was held within the framework of the Step2footure project, a project aimed at experimenting and promoting the use of enabling technologies, technologies and materials for additive manufacturing, design and prototyping systems customized footwear, cyber-physical production systems and intelligent solutions for the marketing of footwear.

For additional information please refer to the CTCP website following this LINK.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

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