World Footwear


Pakistan: footwear exports up while leather starts slowly

Sep 21, 2022 Pakistan
Pakistan: footwear exports up while leather starts slowly
In the first two months of the current fiscal year, Pakistani leather manufacturers exports declined by 2.41% in value, while footwear exports grew by 20.91%, from the same period last year
According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), between July and August 2022, leather manufacturers' exports dropped by 2.91% in value, totalling 103.8 million US dollars, as compared to the 106.3 million US dollars recorded in the same period from the previous fiscal year*.

In this period, tanned leather exports generated 31.0 million US dollars, which reflects an increase of 8.52% and 13.14% in value and volume, respectively, on a comparable basis to the first two months of the fiscal year 2021-2022.


From July to August 2022, Pakistan shipped overall 4.12 million pairs of shoes, generating 32.4 million US dollars, up by 56.66% in volume and 20.91% in value, on a comparable basis to the same months of the prior fiscal year.

Leather footwear exports represented roughly 84.4% of the total value exported. During these months, the country shipped 1.86 million pairs of leather footwear, worth 28.0 million US dollars. These figures show a growth of 40.12% in volume and 22.53% in value, as compared to the same months of the prior fiscal year. In this period, canvas and other footwear segments also reported increases in both volume and value.

Pakistani Footwear Industry

According to the World Footwear 2022 Yearbook (more information available HERE), the Pakistani footwear industry, predominantly geared to the domestic market, is the 7th largest in the world and employs some one million people in the country, mostly in the Punjab province. The country's main external markets are in Europe, the USA and Arab countries. China is Pakistan's main supplier.

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