World Footwear


New Generation: meet Sara Nunes

Feb 27, 2022 Portugal
New Generation: meet Sara Nunes
Sara Nunes is the new face of 3DCork. She has been working for the company since its foundation in 2006, but, this year, she took over the leadership of the family business dedicated to the production of cork components for the footwear industry. The company also produces items for the home

Was working at the company a natural choice?

By the time my father founded the company, I had already decided to return to Portugal, after almost a year working in Madrid. I was working at a Venture Capital Company when he proposed that we worked together on a project he was just starting.  I had small experience, but the will to move forward was very strong. I usually say that I grew with the company and in the company.

You have just taken on a new role at the company. How is the challenge going? What plans do you have for the future?

Yes, it was more like the ratification of something that was already happening. The challenges are those that a globalized world, ever-changing, pose to us, and the need to continue evolving, acknowledging our weakest points, but boosting our advantages. This is what I wish to infuse in the company: the ability to quickly adapt to the needs of our customers, offering the solutions they are looking for. Our plans for the future are to make our production “greener”, by putting in practice a circular economy, that also enhances the skills of our employees.  

What fascinates you the most about the cork industry?

What fascinates me the most is the material itself, its “intelligent” and natural features. It is, in fact, the motto of our signature “intelligent nature”. Besides, I found it interesting that a single material can be turned into such a wide range of products, having many configurations and applications.

What does cork have to offer the footwear industry?

As I mentioned, cork is a naturally intelligent material. In addition to being a natural material, its characteristics of lightness, comfort and thermal insulation are relevant for footwear. So, cork has room to grow as a natural material in the footwear industry, following the trend of using green materials in the most diverse applications.

What do you think this new generation entering now into the sector has to offer?

The new generation has a different and broader vision than most of the previous generations because they were already born into the era of globalization and the internet. They have a lot to offer to the sector, and the sector a lot to learn, as it modernizes itself.  

What advice would you give to a young person starting in the industry?

I would say that to achieve any goals, work, focus and critical thinking are essential.

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