More than 7 000 visitors expected at the next edition of Inspiramais

The next edition of Brazil’s leading event for the launch of materials for the footwear, clothing, upholstery, furniture and jewellery industries returns to Porto Alegre on the 21st and 22nd of January
Following the historic floods that have devastated Rio Grande Sul, the Brazilian state where Inspiramais is held, the upcoming 31st edition of the event aims to mark a turning point for the footwear, apparel, upholstery, furniture and jewellery industries. To this end, the leading event for the launch of materials is preparing to welcome more than 150 exhibitors and over 7,000 visitors to the FIERGS Event Centre in Porto Alegre on 21 and 22 January, with several initiatives aimed at promoting networking, knowledge sharing and business opportunities (such as the Hub Conexão Criativa and Projeto Comprador).
Focusing on sustainability’s social and cultural pillars, this edition of Inspiramais reaffirms its commitment to responsible development and respect for local communities and cultures. In this sense, it’s worth highlighting the presentation of the Amazonian Biomaterials Mission, developed in Acre during 2024 as part of Brazilian Materials, and the partnership with CUFA (Central Única das Favelas), an organisation recognised for its work in the political, social, sporting and cultural spheres, which seeks to bring dignity to the country’s diverse communities.
Preview do Couro
Another main initiative is the Preview do Couro showcase, organised by the Brazilian Tanning Industry Centre (CICB) under the theme ‘Human’. “In times of global crises and uncertainty about the future, hope emerges as a vital force, indispensable to reconnect us with what makes us human: the sense of community and the ability to transform ourselves”, says project coordinator Marnei Carminatti.Community (leathers designed for comfort and movement, highlighting the tactile and welcoming relationship of the materials) and Utopia (leathers that inspire fun and creativity, exploring the sensory richness of textures) will therefore underpin the showcase.
‘Burnout’ is the underlying theme of the materials that will be on display at Inspiramais. According to the coordinator of the Assintecal Design and Research Centre, Walter Rodrigues, this choice highlights the broken doll aesthetic, which presents a depressive and artificial image that is reflected in fashion, in the mix of Victorian styles, with the fetish of a closed society, and science fiction and high technology, with a predominant role for artificial intelligence. In terms of materials, the aesthetic is reflected in laces, long and pointed heels, shiny finishes and buckles and zips that give a heavy look.About
Inspiramais is promoted by the Brazilian Association of Companies of Components for Leather, Footwear and Artifacts (Assintecal), the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB), the Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association (Abit), the Brazilian Furniture Industry Association (Abimóvel) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). It is implemented through sectoral projects led by ApexBrasil in partnership with these entities. Sectoral projects include Brazilian Leather, Tex Brasil, Brazilian Furniture and Brazilian Materials.Image Credits: