Mexico: footwear imports grow five times faster than local production

According to the Chamber of the Footwear Industry of the State of Guanajuato (CICEG), 35% of the footwear worn by Mexicans is imported. This figure will most likely continue to increase
In 2022, the "Mexican footwear production increased by approximately 7%, but the increase in imports will reach 35%, so foreign footwear continues to gain market share”, stated Alejandro Gómez Tamez, Executive President of CICEG, adding that "an imported pair implies the relocation of a pair that could have been manufactured here".
CICEG reported that, as of October 2022, Mexico had imported 108 million pairs of shoes, and it estimates that this figure has gone up to 130 million pairs by the end of the year; moreover, 55% of the total is comprised of Chinese footwear. The association stresses that the current level of imports already exceeds that of 2019 when 102 million pairs were imported.
This situation is compounded by the fact that large commercial chains have stopped placing orders with local manufacturers, a fact which is having an impact on the Mexican companies' finances. This drop is particularly noticeable in factories located in Guanajuato, where it is located the country’s major leather and footwear cluster.
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