World Footwear


Leather, leather goods and footwear as Product of the Year in Bangladesh

Mar 6, 2017 Bangladesh
Leather, leather goods and footwear as Product of the Year in Bangladesh
The nomination was announced by the country’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The authorities have set an ambitious aim for the Leather industry’s exports earnings
Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed announced that the aim for the exports earnings from the leather industry is 50 billion Bangladesh Taka by 2021. To achieve this, he said the Government will try to maximize its support to a sector which is continuously growing.

A press conference for the product of the year 2017 has been arranged by the Ministry of Commerce and attended by officers from the Government and key players from the local leather industry.

The aim of the local authoritirs is to make Bangladeshi Footwear and Leather goods one of the most competitive worldwide industries withint he next ten years.

In the press conference, Commerce Secretary Mr. Hedayetullah al Mamoon said that there will be an activity plan for all over the year 2017 to achieve the targeted goal from the leather industry.

On that occasion the Labor Secretary, Mr. Mekail Shipper said that the 0.3% of export earnings curretnly deducted in the readymade garments sector for the interest of workers, will also be introduced in the leather sector to ensure labor safety.

Related Organizations

  • LFMEAB - Leathergoods & Footwear Manufacturers & Exports Association of Bangladesh

    LFMEAB - Leathergoods & Footwear Manufacturers & Exports Association of Bangladesh

  • BTA - Bangladesh Tanners Association

    BTA - Bangladesh Tanners Association

  • Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather goods and Footwear Exporters' Association

    Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather goods and Footwear Exporters' Association

  • ILET - Institute of Leather Engineering & Technology of University of Dhaka

    ILET - Institute of Leather Engineering & Technology of University of Dhaka
