World Footwear


Leather industry in Bangladesh with downward trend

Apr 24, 2018 Bangladesh
Leather industry in Bangladesh with downward trend
According to the Leathergoods & Footwear Manufacturers & Exports Association of Bangladesh, the first eight months of the year were marked by declining exports in the Leather and Footwear Industry
The leather industry, the second largest export earning sector of Bangladesh, registered a downward trend in exports earnings in the past eight months. In 2016-17, for the same period export earnings totaled 827.62 million USD, when in 2017-18 it has reached 784.97 million USD, representing a decline of 5%.

Bangladesh’s exports of leather reached 126 million US dollars in the first six months of the current financial year (July 2017 to February 2018). This represents a decline of 23% from similar period in the previous year.

Exports of leather products declined by 3%, reaching 274 million US dollars.

Leather footwear exports went up by 7%, reaching 394 million US dollars for the period, reaching 101% of the target set for the period for this segment. Other footwear also registered a good performance in the period totaling 171 million US dollars’ worth of exports, increasing by 8% from similar period in the previous year.

Bangladesh’s financial year runs from July to June

Related Organizations

  • LFMEAB - Leathergoods & Footwear Manufacturers & Exports Association of Bangladesh

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  • BTA - Bangladesh Tanners Association

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  • Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather goods and Footwear Exporters' Association

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  • LETSB - Leather Engineers and Technologists Society, Bangladesh

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