World Footwear


Jesus Shoes sold out in a minute

Oct 11, 2019 United States
Jesus Shoes sold out in a minute
With holy water from the Jordan River on the sole, the Jesus Shoes sold out in a minute. The base model, the Nike Air Max 97 has a selling price around 160 US dollars
The starting point was a set of 24 pairs of Nike Air Max 97. Then a golden cross was added to the shoelaces. Commissioned water from the Jordan River in Israel (and later blessed by a Brooklyn priest) was added to the sole, making the shoes soaked in holy water in an analogy with the fact that Jesus walked on water, according to the Gospels. The final touch was a Bible verse: "Early in the morning, Jesus addressed them walking on the sea", in the new Times Newer Roman font, also created by company.

The idea belongs to Brooklyn-based MSCHF, known for launching new ideas twice a month every second and fourth Tuesday. One of their previous projects was the creation of Times Newer Roman, a "font that looks like Times New Roman, except each character is 5-10% wider".

The 24 pairs of Jesus Shoes went on sale for 1 425 US dollars. MSCHF Head of Commerce Daniel Greenberg told CBS News that the shoes sold out in just one minute. "Blessed sneakers" can now be bid on the StockX resale platform for more than four thousand dollars.

According to Greenberg creating the Jesus Shoes was a way to mock the culture of collaboration between shoe brands and other companies and artists. They see this trend reaching "ridiculous" collaborations and they decided to take it to the next level: "We wondered what a partnership between Jesus and a shoe brand would be like”, explained Greenberg to CBS News. "Obviously, it should let you walk on water. 'Well, how can we do that?' You pump holy water into the pocket of a pair of Air Max 97's and with that, you get Jesus Shoes — the holiest collab ever", he concluded.


MSCHF is known for launching new ideas twice a month on Tuesday of the second and fourth week. Daniel Greenberg defined the company as "a counter-culture media/product brand, playing in a gray area that isn't yet defined by traditional approaches". The company's objective is to drop a new project every second and fourth Tuesday of the month.

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