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Is your store ready for customers after COVID-19?

As stores start to re-open and we all get used to a new normality, the retailers' activities concerning promoting safety, protection and health measures for employees, customers and suppliers become key
In this new document we present you some guiding recommendations on the retailers' activities concerning promoting safety, protection and health measures for employees, customers and suppliers when reopening their stores.
First of all, each retailer should seek information regarding the legislation in force in each country at the time of reopening, and at each moment, as the updates of the measures are known. In this Part we present a list of recommendations that include some mandatory measures in some markets, but which in other countries are just actions to consider. Each retailer should be aware of these recommendations and evaluate those that make sense to be adopted to guarantee the safety of all and promote the confident return of customers to their stores.
In this new context, the World Footwear prepared a new Guidebook with Business Tips and Health and Safety Recommendations for Brand Managers and Retailers.
About the World Footwear Guidebook for Re-opening Retail
In this new prospect we are all living the World Footwear has prepared a Guidebook to support retailers and brand managers in this prospect by providing 30 business tips and 70 health and safety recommendations that might be useful in the return to their activities. Trends and Business Tips focus on Inventory; New Shopping Experience; Comfort at Home; Buy Less, Buy Better; Supply Chain: From Global to Local; All Together: Cooperation to Thrive and Digital Presence. Health and Safety Recommendations cover: Re-opening the Store; Access and Circulation in the Store; Social Distancing; Spaces; Individual Protection Measures; Ventilation; Cleaning and Disinfection; Payments; Orders and Mail; Returns, Exchanges and Repairs; Other Considerations in Store; E-commerce and Online Presence and Employees.
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