Growing retail sales in Bulgaria

According to working-day adjusted data published by the National Statistical Institute (NSI), Bulgaria's retail sales at constant prices increased by 25.9% on the year in April
The same source indicates that this takes place after a low base effects from last year and after advancing by an annual 17.3% in the previous month.
Retail trade rose the most for auto fuel in specialized stores (41.2%), followed by non-food products (40.5%), primarily for textiles, clothing and footwear (188.7%).
Additionally, retail sales increased in food, beverage & tobacco by 6%. On a seasonally-adjusted monthly comparison basis, retail trade turnover at constant prices grew by 1.3% in April following a 2.4% increase in March.
In a separate statement, the Bulgarian statistics institute confirmed that industrial production in the country surged 22.8% year-on-year in April, following an upwardly revised 7.2% jump in the previous month. On a seasonally adjusted monthly basis, industrial output was 0.2% higher, slowing from an upwardly revised 4.8% gain in the previous month.
Image credits: Clay Banks on Unsplash
Source: Budapest Business Journal