European associations call for ratification of EU-Mercosur agreement

A total of 23 associations representing a range of European industries and other businesses, including CEC, have once again urged the EU to conclude and ratify the EU-Mercosur agreement
In a joint letter, 23 associations representing a wide range of European industries and other EU-based businesses, from manufacturing to food-related sectors, have urged EU and Mercosur leaders to swiftly conclude negotiations on the remaining outstanding points of the EU-Mercosur agreement. The European Footwear Confederation (CEC) and Cotance are among the signatories.
“Having the EU-Mercosur agreement in place will boost the integration of our economies and help to diversify our value chains both for imports and exports. This is key for the competitiveness of our export-oriented sectors that create tens of millions of jobs in Europe and provide an essential contribution to the prosperity and standards of living of European citizens”, reads the letter.
The signatories underline that the agreement offers Europe a unique opportunity “to partner up with one of the world’s largest economies”, by reducing high tariff and non-tariff barriers that negatively impact European companies’ abilities to compete in a “relatively closed market” of more than 270 million consumers. It’s also an “economic, social and geopolitical imperative” because “the EU lacks significant reserves of key raw materials” needed for the green and digital transition, making it necessary not only to export goods and services but also to source raw materials at competitive prices.
In conclusion, the associations reaffirmed their belief in the fact that the trade agreement provides strong incentives and tools for cooperation to meet the region’s sustainable development commitments, including halting illegal deforestation, and called EU leaders to act.
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