World Footwear


Consumer prices in Hungary go up by 3.1%

Sep 10, 2019 Hungary
Consumer prices in Hungary go up by 3.1%
On average in August 2019 consumer prices increased by 3.1%, when compared to similar period a year earlier, according to data released by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Compared to August 2018, food prices went up by 5.6%, within which the price of seasonal food items (potatoes, fresh vegetables and fruits) became 13.7%, pork prices 11.5%, the price of flour 11.3%, rolls prices 10.0% and the price of bread 8.4% higher, milk prices 5.2% lower. The price of alcoholic beverages and tobacco rose by 8.8% on average, within which tobacco prices by 12.8%. Consumers paid 2.8% more for services, within which rent increased by 10.0%. The price of motor fuels was cut by 2.6%. As for clothing and footwear prices went up by 1.8%.

Compared to July 2019, consumer prices lessened by 0.1% on average. Food prices became 0.4% lower, dominantly due to the 4.4% decrease in the price of seasonal food items. Food prices excluding this latter group were up by 0.1% on average. The price of alcoholic beverages and tobacco rose by 0.3% on average, within which tobacco prices by 0.4%. 0.3% more was paid for services, within which recreational services became 1.7% more expensive. Clothing and footwear became 2.1% cheaper due to the summer sale. The price of motor fuels was reduced by 0.3%

In the period January–August 2019 compared to similar period in the previous year, consumer prices went up by 3.4% on average

Image credits: Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

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