China’s share in footwear production down by 13% in a decade

China is the unquestionable leader in footwear production, having achieved a share in the world total of 54.3% in 2020. This translated into more than 11 billion pairs produced by China last year. However, in a decade, the share of China in global footwear production was down by 13%, corresponding to more than 8 percentage points lost and going down from a 62.4% share in 2010
The Winners
Going back to the question of who is winning relevance in the international scene, the simplest answer is that several countries are taking advantage of China's lost share.First, Vietnam who managed to consolidate its position as one of the main footwear manufacturers in the world, going from a share of 3.8% in 2010 to 6.4% in 2020. This resulted in twice the number of shoes produced by Vietnam last year, in comparison with 2010, and with Vietnam going from the 4th position to the 3rd place of the ranking.
Indonesia is another winner, having increased its share from 3.3% to 5.1% in ten years.
Bangladesh, which was not even on the Top 10 ranking of main producers of footwear in 2010, is now the 8th largest producer of footwear in the globe, being responsible for 2.1% of all shoes manufactured in 2020.
Pakistan and Turkey are the other two winners, both with a 2.4% quota in 2020, and growing from, respectively, 1.4% and 0.9%.
The case of India
The Asian giant, currently the second largest footwear manufacturer, holds the same position as in 2010 and the exact same share in the global scene (10.2%).
Who lost share in the last decade?
Brazil, Mexico, Thailand and Italy are the countries that were in the top 10 producers of footwear in 2010 and which have lost relevance in the last decade. In 2020, Italy even left the rank, and no European country is represented in the top of footwear manufacturers. Thailand is also no longer in the list of the 10 main footwear producers of the world.All these facts and numbers and more can be found on the World Footwear Yearbook. Find more information clicking HERE.