World Footwear


Chilean retailers impacted by fall in Argentine tourism flow

Sep 20, 2019 Chile
Chilean retailers impacted by fall in Argentine tourism flow
In recent years citizens from Argentina have choosen Chile as a shopping and tourism destination taking advantage of a more open economy on the other side of the border. Now things seem to be changing
Chile is known for its open economy, which, combined with a favourable exchenge rate, used to give their Argentinean neighbours easy access to several items at very interesting prices.

Now, as instability and economic crisis are deepening in Argentina, tourism flows from Argentina have dropped. As many of these were commonly being seen as shopping tourism trips, the impact in the Chilean retail panorama will be felt.

Data from official sources indicated that amongst the tourists in Chile, Argentines have traditionally been the largest spenders, followed by also neighbours Brazilians. 

Image credits: Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Source: Reuters

Related Organizations

  • FEDECCAL - Chamber of Leather, Footwear and Allied Industries

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  • ACHIQTEC -  Association of Leather Technologists and Chemists in Chile

    ACHIQTEC - Association of Leather Technologists and Chemists in Chile
