Canada: return to business

In a country with roughly 99 thousand cases, all the regions are now at different stages of their return to business. Some activities have opened and others, such as restaurants, will open within the next few weeks
All provinces in Canada are at different stages of return to business. In the province of Quebec, all retails stores are now opened including store located in malls with the only exception being Montreal (expected to take place in the coming week).
Dentists, physiotherapist, parks, boardwalks, construction, amongst other activities, are now fully operational.
Restaurants are preparing their opening to happen in the next two weeks or so.
Gatherings up to 10 people are allowed, however, social distancing is still recommended as well as the wear of masks when going in public.
So far, and according to the latest figures Canada has roughly 99 160 cases of people infected with Covid-19. The casulaties are slighly over 8 000, with a high percentage taking place in old age residences.