World Footwear


Brazilian exports cross the 965 million US dollars threshold

Jan 10, 2020 Brazil
Brazilian exports cross the 965 million US dollars threshold
Data gathered by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) indicates that 114.55 million pairs of shoes were shipped abroad between January and December, generating 967 million US dollars in exports in 2019
Such performance in 2019 resulted in a increase of 0.9% in volume terms and a decline of 0.9% in revenue, if compared to the performance of footwear exports in the previous year (2018).

According to Abicalçados Executive President, Haroldo Ferreira: "the overall result pointed to a strong influence of the exchange rate in the period. With the dollar around 10% higher than the previous year, footwear has been able to form more competitive prices in the international market. If we convert to Real (the Brazilian currency), 2019 exports were 7% higher than 2018”.

The result for year was also influenced by the US and its market: buyers from this country imported more Brazilian shoes as result of surcharges applied to Chinese shoes in the context of the trade war between the United States and China. In 2019, the US, the main market for Brazilian footwear, imported 11.9 million pairs of shoes and paid 197.5 million US dollars (increases of 10.5% and 18.4%, respectively in terms of quantities and value, if compared to 2018).

The second destination of Brazilian exports, however, pulled the overall average down. In a deep economic crisis, in 2019 Argentina imported 10 million pairs, for which 105.2 million US dollars were paid, resulting in decreases of 15% and 24.7%, respectively.

The third destination of the year was France with acquisitions of 7.9 million pairs and a total paid of 60.42 million US dollars, up by 7.8% and 6.2%, respectively.

Image credits: Max Williams on Unsplash

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