Australian footwear decrease 30%

Last year was a particularly bad year for Australian footwear exports, which recorded almost 1.500 million of pairs, 30 percent lower than 2011. The footwear industry in Australia is mainly located in South Wales and Victoria. The country has shown a considerable and increasing trade deficit.
On the other hand exports increased slightly in value (0.2 million pairs corresponding to 0.8 million USD), while imports showed a significant increase by 12 million Pairs, corresponding to 167 million USD. China, Vietnam and Indonesia have played a central role in this development, with imports increasing by 94, 36 and 17 million USD, respectively.
New Zeeland is the most important export destination of Australian footwear. However, the quantity of pairs decreased by 34 % in 2012 (796 thousand pairs to 528 thousand pairs.)
Indonesia is another important market for Australians. In 2012, Australia exported 219,000 pairs of shoes, over 45% of the values recorded in 2011. This growth represents 874 million dollars, more than 50% (for 874 million dollars)
Australian imports consist mainly of rubber and plastic footwear, which continues to growth. In 2012, imports of this type of shoes increased by 3% percent, and its value is higher with 8% (357 million dollars). Textile footwear is one of the products that has been growing. Last year, these goods had a rise of 23% in volume, which corresponded to 315 million dollars, more than 35% of that in 2011.