ASSOMAC and UITIC join to organise 2023 Congress

The partnership between the National Association of Italian Manufacturers of Footwear, Leathergoods and Tanning Technologies (ASSOMAC) and the International Union of Shoe Industry Technicians (UITIC) has been announced during a press conference in Milan
The next UITIC Congress, the first since the 20th edition held in Portugal in 2018, will take place in September 2023 in Milan and Vigevano. This will represent the return of the event to Italy, where it was last held in 1999.
One of the first activities announced for the Congress refers to the joint participation at the international Exhibition Simac Tanning Tech, due to take place from the 20th to the 22nd of September at Fiera Milano Rho.
Maria Vittoria Brustia, President of Assomac Servizi, the organizer of the Simac Tanning Tech, described the activities planned for the next edition of the fair and commented on the announced partnership: "September (2023) appointment will be a natural landing for UITIC, that will find its first expression and, above all, a suitable stage to promote the goal that unites us: to spread and create an open and shared system in order to support the single institutions in their growth, with a fairly competitive and collaborative tension at the same time".
During yesterday’s conference, Yves Morin, President of UITIC, presented the organisation, its previous experiences and main activities. "UITIC members are delighted to join forces with such a prestigious Italian partner as ASSOMAC for the organization of the 21st UITIC International Footwear Congress. We always choose the best partner for the organization of our congresses, in 2013 in China, it was the CLIA (China Leather Industry Association) in 2016 in India, the CLE (Council for Leather Exports) in 2018 in Portugal, APPICAPS (the Portuguese Footwear and Leather Goods Association)", noted Mr. Morin.
This 21st Congress will also mark an important milestone: the 50th anniversary of UITIC.
This 21st Congress will also mark an important milestone: the 50th anniversary of UITIC.
Sergio Dulio, member of the UITIC Executive Committee and part of the ITA UITIC TASK Force, has presented the program proposal for the next edition of the UITIC Congress. “In UITIC 2023 we want to expose the footwear world with all the most important technological evolutions and trends that can affect the way shoes are designed and manufactured. We have prepared a conference program that covers all the relevant topics from sustainability to digital transformation, to logistic and supply chains, with a special focus on the human capital of tomorrow; a program that is further enhanced by the contribution of selected keynote speakers and anticipated by a pre-conference calendar with a mix a factory and “inspirational” tours. It will be an unmissable occasion to reconnect and to update”.
Veronica Squinzi, Assolombarda Vice President for Internationalization and European affairs and Roberto Luongo, General Director of ITA Agency were also present at the conference.