Asics announces steady quarter

The sporting goods group has declared the business was steady during the first quarter of the year, despite posting a double-digit profit decline
“In the first quarter ended March 31, 2015, business was steady in the sporting goods industry on the back of a high level of interest in sports owing to rising health consciousness, as well as a running boom”.
In the period under analysis, Asics consolidated net sales totaled 840.21 million euros. Domestic net sales reached 229.10 million euros and overseas sales totaled 611.11 million euros. Net income for the period was 60.92 million euros.
The fiscal year ended on the 31st of December 2014 was a transitional period as there was a change in the fiscal year end for Asics. Therefore, the first quarter ended on the 30th of June 2014 had irregular settlement periods whereby the consolidated period was three months (1st of April 2014 to 30th of June 2014) for the company and those consolidated subsidiaries whose fiscal year end was on the 31st of March and six months (1st of January 2014 to 30th of June 2014) for consolidated subsidiaries whose fiscal year end was on the 31st of December.

Japan, the main are in terms of revenue, registered 272 million euros of sales with segment income of 18 million euros.
The America area, the second most important region for the group, posted sales of 245 million euros with segment income was 21 million euros.
During the period under analysis, sales in Europe were 226 million euros (generating income of 30 million euros).
Oceania/South East and South Asia sales totaled 45 million euros, East Asia 71 million euros and other business sales 24 million euros.
For more information about the company please visit the website.
Note - Asics posts their results in Japanese Yen; Exchange rate Japanese Yen - Euro as presented by the European Central Bank on the 17th of June has been applied.
In the period under analysis, Asics consolidated net sales totaled 840.21 million euros. Domestic net sales reached 229.10 million euros and overseas sales totaled 611.11 million euros. Net income for the period was 60.92 million euros.
The fiscal year ended on the 31st of December 2014 was a transitional period as there was a change in the fiscal year end for Asics. Therefore, the first quarter ended on the 30th of June 2014 had irregular settlement periods whereby the consolidated period was three months (1st of April 2014 to 30th of June 2014) for the company and those consolidated subsidiaries whose fiscal year end was on the 31st of March and six months (1st of January 2014 to 30th of June 2014) for consolidated subsidiaries whose fiscal year end was on the 31st of December.

Japan, the main are in terms of revenue, registered 272 million euros of sales with segment income of 18 million euros.
The America area, the second most important region for the group, posted sales of 245 million euros with segment income was 21 million euros.
During the period under analysis, sales in Europe were 226 million euros (generating income of 30 million euros).
Oceania/South East and South Asia sales totaled 45 million euros, East Asia 71 million euros and other business sales 24 million euros.
For more information about the company please visit the website.
Note - Asics posts their results in Japanese Yen; Exchange rate Japanese Yen - Euro as presented by the European Central Bank on the 17th of June has been applied.