Asia with little variation in the share of world footwear exports
The conclusion is presented by the World Footwear Yearbook in its most recent edition, covering statistics updated until the end of 2015
The fifth edition of the World Footwear Yearbook (available here), developed by APICCAPS, the Portuguese Footwear, Components and Leather Goods Manufacturers’ Association, in partnership with GDS, is now available in paper version and presents the main conclusions regarding the footwear dynamics in 2015.
In quantity terms, over the last ten years Asia’s share of world footwear exports has shown little variation, oscillating between 83.7% and 84.6%. Similarly, Europe’s share moved from 11.8% to 12.7%.
However, in value terms, Asia grew steadily in the period, going from a share of 53.3% to 63.8%. This was achieved mostly at the expense of Europe which saw its own market share fall from 40.2% to only 32.6% in 2015. This movement in value was mostly driven by a yearly growth of the Asian average export price of 5.75%, while European average prices only grew at an average yearly rate of 1.00%.
To get more detailed information about the footwear industry in 2015 buy your copy of the World Footwear Yearbook following this link to access the store.
In quantity terms, over the last ten years Asia’s share of world footwear exports has shown little variation, oscillating between 83.7% and 84.6%. Similarly, Europe’s share moved from 11.8% to 12.7%.
However, in value terms, Asia grew steadily in the period, going from a share of 53.3% to 63.8%. This was achieved mostly at the expense of Europe which saw its own market share fall from 40.2% to only 32.6% in 2015. This movement in value was mostly driven by a yearly growth of the Asian average export price of 5.75%, while European average prices only grew at an average yearly rate of 1.00%.
To get more detailed information about the footwear industry in 2015 buy your copy of the World Footwear Yearbook following this link to access the store.