World Footwear


Argentinians buy an average of 3.45 pairs of shoes per year

Jan 29, 2016 Argentina
Argentinians buy an average of 3.45 pairs of shoes per year
According to numbers published by the SME Chamber in Argentina (Cámara Argentina de la Mediana Empresa), the country’s apparent consumption reached 145 million pairs in 2015
With a population of roughly 42 million people, this results in a per capita apparent consumption of 3.45 pairs of shoes in 2015 and reflects a 7.5% increase compared to the previous year.

The positive performance of the footwear demand in the South American country is linked to a strong increase in production and imports. According to the same source, imports for 2015 should be in the area of 20 million pairs, reflecting an increase of more than 20% compared tothe previous year, and resulting in the inversion of the trend registered in the previous year (with imports falling down). The Chamber of the Footwear Industry (CIC) has confirmed that production of footwear in 2015 has reached 125 million pairs in 2015, growing by 4.2%.

A decrease in the exports figures is expected for the final numbers of sales abroad of Argentian-made footwear in 2015.

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    CIC - Chamber of the Footwear Industry

  • FAICA - Argentinean Federation of the Footwear Industry

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