World Footwear


Argentina: industry concerned with thousands of jobs at risk

Jun 21, 2018 Argentina
Argentina: industry concerned with thousands of jobs at risk
Associations representing the businessmen and workers of the textile and footwear industries are claiming the national government attention to the current crisis moment of the industries they represent
"The decrease in the level of activity has led to cuts in worked hours, suspensions and dismissals of jobs and in more severe cases to the closure of production lines and factories", both parties said in a joint statement.

According to a document issued by several local associations: "the continuity of this scenario puts at risk our industrial networks and with it the more than 500 thousand direct jobs that our chains employ."

In another section the statement it is said that "Our industrial plants have world-class levels of efficiency and productivity. What we produce efficiently in our plants supports the burden of the factors that structure the systemic non-competitiveness of the Argentine economy, such as: strong tax pressure; high interest rates; rickety and expensive financial services; concentration of marketing channels, exacerbated real estate income; logistical and energy costs above those of the region, etc."

In this sense, the representatives of the sector requested an immediate call of the sectoral groups that operate within the Ministry of Production of the Nation to work on the urgent implementation of a plan to stabilize the level of activity, which will enable them to preserve the jobs currently at risk.

The signatory associations were: ACUBA (Asociación de Curtidores de la Provincia de Buenos Aires - Association of Tanners of the Province of Buenos Aires), SECEIC and SOCRA (Sindicatos de Obreros del Cuero -  Trade Union of the Leather Workers) CAIPIC (Cámara de Proveedores - Chamber of Suppliers) CIMA (Cámara de las Manufacturas - Chamber of Manufactures), SAMC (Sindicato de obreros de las manufacturas – Trade Union of the Manufacturing Workers), FAICA (Federación Argentina del Calzado - Argentine Footwear Federation) and UTICRA (Trabajadores de la Industria del Calzado - Footwear Industry Workers).

Related Organizations

  • CIC - Chamber of the Footwear Industry

    CIC - Chamber of the Footwear Industry

  • CeFoTeCa - Training Centre for Human Resources and Technology in the Footwear Industry

    CeFoTeCa - Training Centre for Human Resources and Technology in the Footwear Industry

  • CIC Santa Fe - Chamber of the Footwear Industry and Related Products of the Province of Santa Fe

    CIC Santa Fe - Chamber of the Footwear Industry and Related Products of the Province of Santa Fe

  • CAIPIC - Argentine Chamber of Suppliers of the Footwear Industry

    CAIPIC - Argentine Chamber of Suppliers of the Footwear Industry
