World Footwear


A'RCOPEDICO’s universal language: comfort

Apr 2, 2018 Portugal
A'RCOPEDICO’s universal language: comfort
A'RCOPEDICO is a trademark of Ropar SA Company, with headquarters in Vila do Conde, Portugal. Since 1966 the company has been focusing in an universal language: comfort
Elio Parodi was born in 1914, in Italy. He studied Biological Medicine and Mechanical Engineering; he was a man with an immense thirst for knowledge and understanding. Proof of this is found in the numerous inventions that fill his vast curriculum. One of his most successful creations is called ARCOPEDICO®.

It was his participation in the Universal Congress of Podiatry in Örebro, Sweden, which opened the door to a world of discovery and achievement. After the congress months of study focused on a conviction followed: the arch of the foot is the central pillar of the spine and therefore should be supported.

It was the patent of an orthopedic sole with the correct support for the foot arch, embodied in two lengthwise support structures, which impelled the foundation of Ropar. The A'RCOPEDICO brand mirrors the premise of its creator: he developed a sole that best supports the foot arch, which is the central pillar of the spine. The ambition of the scientist was to develop a shoe where comfort was 100% proven.

The first major step was already taken and the term "to dress the foot" became inseparable from the brand, given that the uppers of the first A'RCOPEDICO shoes were knitted.

For 20 years, the model with an upper of nylon mesh was the only one to be produced at the plant in Vila do Conde, but in 1985 the company decided to risk the launch of new models. The diversity of models served as an impetus for an export-oriented brand that was soon to fly to distant markets and make the world its home.

Inside the doors of Ropar there are no borders or cultural differences. The world is embraced as a single country, where all the steps converge on the same path: to innovate and be always ahead of the game to win more consumers worldwide.

The design and production of ergonomic footwear at Ropar is certified with SGQ-ISO9001/2008 quality assurance, which remains the character of traditional production with labor of excellence, combined with modern technological equipment. The brand is currently represented in 50 countries on 5 continents, where the word “vanguard” always has leaded the history of the group.

For more information about A'RCOPEDICO please refer to the brand's website.

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