World Footwear


APLF's 2020 postponed again

Mar 24, 2020 Hong Kong
APLF's 2020 postponed again
The organisers of the Hong Kong trade fairs have already postponed the events in early February. However, since then Covid-19 has spread globally. Further changes to the fair dates were now announced

Since APLF made the last announcement on postponing the fairs initially scheduled for early February, Covid-19 has spread globally and has now become a pandemic, and governments around the world have started to introduce rigorous measures, which include closure of borders and quarantine orders, amongst others, in order to control the spread of Covid-19 in the communities.

On the 18th March 2020, the authorities in Hong Kong have enforced a 14-days compulsory quarantine orders on all people arriving from all places outside China, starting from midnight on 19th March and for three months until mid-June.

With the new measure it is almost impossible for both exhibitors and buyers to participate in APLF fairs which had previously been postponed to run from the 1st of June to the 3rd of June: "It has now become necessary to make further changes to the fair dates and we will be further postponing the fair", APLF confirmed. The organisers of the trade fair are working with Hong Kong venues and stake holders to consider options for the new dates.

Image credits: Verne Ho on Unsplash

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