Parikh will oversee the execution of the next generation of Foot Locker's strategic technology agenda in support of the company's key strategic imperatives and future capability-building and innovation
This December, Ara Shoes Portugal is celebrating 46 years. Established in the country in 1974, the German group, was one of the first multinationals in the footwear sector to invest in Portugal
Similarly to what happened in other countries, the Textile, Clothing and Footwear (TCF) Retail Sales have lived dramatic moments with the first wave of COVID-19 hitting Spain, one of the European countries with most critical sanitary emergency. TCF sales almost disappeared in April and although the scenario improved from there, one cannot say that recovery materialised completely in the South Europe country
After registering growth, albeit moderate (1%), in 2019, the European clothing and footwear retail sector is being heavily penalized by the pandemic. Up to September, the cumulative drop in retail sales of the Textile, Clothing and Footwear sectors amounts to 24.4%
In a statement recently issued, the Germany-based company said that as part of the development of its new five-year strategy, adidas has begun to assess strategic alternatives for Reebok
The International fair of Leather, Components, and Machinery for Footwear and Leather Goods has announced they have rescheduled the next edition of the fair. Futurmoda is now scheduled for the 7th and the 8th of April
The European Footwear Confederation and its partners from Czechia, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Romania kicked off the new Erasmus+ project DiaSHOE, intended to support footwear manufacturers, patients, healthcare workers, and shoe-store clerks to tackle the issue through prevention and skills development
Portuguese company Jovan has just been double certified by the SGQA - Quality and Environment Management system (ISO 9001 and ISO 14001). Quality and the environment are top priority in this company dedicated to manufacturing footwear for adults and children
One of the key footwear players took a massive hit with the dissemination of the pandemic inside its borders. During the first COVID-19 wave, footwear retail almost collapsed in Germany, but the recovery was faster than what was initially expected, and September was marked by optimism. However, a partial lockdown in the Autumn and not very good perspectives for Christmas are anticipating bad news for Germanic retailers, once again, and even before a full recovery has been achieved
The US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas has confirmed the Company’s Plan of Reorganization to create separate property holding companies
According to data by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados) in November, 9.55 million pairs of footwear were exported, 13.8% more than in the same month last year
Net sales for the third quarter of fiscal 2021 decreased by 11%. Genesco says this sales results exceeded expectations and translate the return of the company to profitability
The Baltimore-based sportswear brand in partnership with three-time NBA champion and two-time Most Valuable Player Stephen Curry, announced the creation and launch of the Curry Brand