World Footwear


Join the 8th edition of the World Footwear Business Conditions Survey

Mar 29, 2023 / Business Conditions Survey
The is asking all experts within the footwear industry to share their views on the current business situation. Join the new edition of the World Footwear Business Conditions Survey. We want to hear you!

Yue Yuen warns on cloudy short term outlook

Mar 28, 2023 / Hong Kong
Despite reporting revenue and earnings growth over 2022, the group highlighted that the demand for footwear remains cloudy in the short term due to the many global headwinds impacting the business

About 400 Turkish footwear factories destroyed in February's earthquakes

Mar 2, 2023 / Turkey
Around 400 footwear factories were smashed in the footwear cluster of Antakya during the two earthquakes that hit southern Turkey and north-western Syria on the 6th of February 2023

Pou Chen to cut 6 000 jobs in Vietnam

Mar 1, 2023 / Vietnam
The Taiwanese-based footwear manufacturer has reportedly slashed 3 000 jobs amidst weak demand. Another 3 000 people will not see their labour contracts extended by the end of the year

EU Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius endorses Green Pact for the Portuguese footwear cluster

Feb 21, 2023 / Portugal
On the 24th of February, the European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries will chair the ceremony that will publicly launch the Green Pact for the Portuguese footwear and leather goods cluster

How can Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) be used by the footwear and leather goods sectors?

Premium ContentFeb 7, 2023 /
Just released! World Footwear Innovation Paper focused on new manufacturing tools available to the footwear and leather goods sectors and understand what 3D printing can do for your business

Berke Içten (Türkiye): Sustainability is not a fashion. It should be a must

Premium ContentJan 23, 2023 / Turkey
Watch the second part of our interview with Berke Içten, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Footwear Industrialists Association of Türkiye. We have talked about Aymod, the World Footwear Congress and sustainability

International Accord arrives in Pakistan

Jan 20, 2023 / Pakistan
The Pakistan Accord, expected to go into action in the upcoming spring, will address working conditions and safety within the textile and garment supply chains of brands sourcing in Pakistan

Berke Içten (Türkiye): we are aiming to reach 5-6 billion USD dollars in exports

Premium ContentJan 16, 2023 / Turkey
Today we bring you the first part of a nice conversation with Berke Içten, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Footwear Industrialists Association of Türkiye. We talked about the Turkish footwear industry, its future, main difficulties, and strengths

Stella International provides update on 2022 results

Jan 13, 2023 / Hong Kong
The Hong-Kong based manufacturer reported an unaudited consolidated revenue increase of about 5.9%, as compared to 2021, but growth slowed down in the last quarter with a revenue decline of 15.4%

Pakistan: tanneries risk closure due to credit issues

Jan 12, 2023 / Pakistan
Several goods destined for the tanning industry remain detained at the Karachi Port because commercial banks are refusing to collect documents due to the non-availability of dollars

Double-digit increase in turnover for Italian footwear manufacturers

Jan 11, 2023 / Italy
In the first nine months of 2022, Italian shoemakers' turnover increased by 13.9%, year-over-year. But growth is not alike among companies, says Assocalzaturifici, highlighting the rising costs

Vapesol obtains a new environmental certification

Jan 9, 2023 / Portugal
The Portuguese sole manufacturer has obtained the RCS (Recycled Claim Standard) certification for its soles and renewed the GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certification for several of its products

Mexico: footwear imports grow five times faster than local production

Jan 3, 2023 / Mexico
According to the Chamber of the Footwear Industry of the State of Guanajuato (CICEG), 35% of the footwear worn by Mexicans is imported. This figure will most likely continue to increase

Portuguese Shoe Museum hosts exhibition on sustainability

Jan 2, 2023 / Portugal
The exhibition 'Trend or Future? Footwear and Sustainability' introduces the public to materials, products and innovative actions that point towards a more sustainable footwear production
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