World Footwear


Singapore with imports growing at 2 digits and with exports consolidation

Jun 30, 2014 / Singapore
79.6 million pairs of footwear valued at 670.0 million USD entered the country in 2013, with imports growing both in volume (6.9%) and value (13.6%). Exports consolidated during last year

Chinese footwear exports continue with upward trend

Jun 24, 2014 / China
China’s footwear exports in 2013 reached 10 577 million pairs valued at 48 145 million USD, growing 5.0% in volume and 8.5% in value from the previous year

United Kingdom with frozen footwear imports

Jun 23, 2014 / United Kingdom
In 2013, the British industry maintained the same levels of imports as registered in 2012. Exports grew at two digits

Portuguese leather goods with booming exports

Jun 16, 2014 / Portugal
During the last 4 months sales abroad increased significantly. Two digits growth was registered across all regions

Portuguese footwear exports with two digits growth

May 30, 2014 / Portugal
According to APICCAPS, during the first quarter of the year Portuguese footwear exports reached 484.4 million euros, increasing 10.8% from similar period last year

South Africa footwear imports with slight growth

May 19, 2014 / South Africa
In 2013 South Africa footwear imports reached 211.1 million pairs valued at 948.8 million USD, growing 4.2% and 1.1% from 2012, respectively. Exports stabilized at 2012 levels

Italian footwear industry shows signs of recovery

Apr 30, 2014 / Italy
In 2013 Italy’s footwear exports increased 2.5% in volume and 5.6% in value, and reached 220 million pairs valued at 8 073 million euros. The Italian industry managed to invert the deterioration on exports registered in 2012 and seems to be on the growth path again. Average price of the Italian footwear was up by 3.1% and now reaches 36.73 euros

Brazilian footwear exports stable in 2013

Mar 11, 2014 / Brazil
In 2013, Brazil's footwear exports were characterized by stability, with a modest variance of 0.2% in the value of sales abroad and an increase of 8.5% in volume. With increasing production, and imports growing 9.8% in quantity and 12.5% in value, the domestic market is quite dynamic.

Portuguese footwear exports grew 8% in 2013

Feb 20, 2014 / Portugal
In 2013 Portuguese footwear exports increased 8% and reached a total value over 1.700 million Euros, corresponding to 74 million pairs. This is the 3rd consecutive year with a recorded growth in exports and since 2010 the footwear sector increased 28%, despite the international economic slowdown.

Portuguese footwear grows over 7% in the first quarters of the year

Dec 20, 2013 / Portugal
Portuguese footwear exports continue to grow in 2013. In the first nine months of the year, Portugal exported 56 million pairs of shoes, worth a total of 1.336 billion euros, which represents an increase of 7.2% when compared to the same period of the previous year

World Footwear Conclusions

Oct 16, 2013 / World
World footwear production stabilized in 2012

Portuguese footwear industry represents Portugal

Oct 14, 2013 / Portugal
Portuguese footwear industry represents Portugal in European Enterprise Promotion Awards

Portuguese Brands: Nobrand

Sep 17, 2013 / Portugal
Get to know another Portuguese Brand. This time is Nobrand's time
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