World Footwear

European Union

Success Road: social partners as key actors in assisting the transfer process of EU family business

Oct 28, 2020 / European Union
Last week, the Interreg Europe Success Road project consortium met virtually with Spanish public and private stakeholders to debate on the role of social partners in facilitating the transfer process of EU family businesses

LIFE GreenShoes4All: an European journey towards reducing the environmental impact of footwear products

Oct 14, 2020 / CEC
Two years after the launch of the project co-funded by the European Commission “Footwear environmental footprint category rules implementation and innovative green shoes ecodesign and recycling”, the consortium shared its achievements

Cotance: Andreas Kindermann re-elected as President

Sep 17, 2020 / European Union
The General Assembly held on the 7th of September re-elected Mr Andreas Kindermann as President of Cotance and will continue to lead Europe’s Leather industry

Is your company producing green goods in an eco-friendly way?

Jun 18, 2020 / Portugal
Today you have the opportunity to fill a questionnaire which will help you answering that question. The answers to the questionnaire will feed the implementation of European Union LIFE project GREEN SHOES 4 ALL

New training programmes for TCLF occupations

Apr 1, 2020 / CEC
Partners of the European funded project Erasmus+ “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030 Blueprint” in motion since early 2018 announced education and training programmes

Cambodia’s preferential access to the EU market partially withdraw

Mar 4, 2020 / European Union
The European Commission has decided to withdraw part of the tariff preferences granted to Cambodia under the EU’s Everything But Arms’ (EBA) trade scheme due to the serious and systematic violations of the human rights principles

EU-Japan EPA: a practical guide for footwear companies

Premium ContentFeb 4, 2020 / Japan
The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union and Japan entered into force last year creating the largest open trade zone in the world. Today we bring you a practical guide for footwear companies

EU-Japan EPA: how to determine the rule of origin for Footwear?

Premium ContentJan 28, 2020 / European Union
To benefit from the European Union (EU) - Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) preferential tariff rates, the product needs to be originating in Japan or the EU

EU-Vietnam FTA gets green light in trade committee

Jan 24, 2020 / European Union
The Committee on International Trade gave its consent to the free trade agreement (FTA) by 29 votes, six votes against and five abstentions and recommends that the EP Plenary should do the same

EU-Japan EPA: a practical guide for footwear companies

Premium ContentJan 21, 2020 / European Union
The Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Japan entered into force last year creating the largest open trade zone in the world. Today we bring you a practical guide for footwear companies

Success Road: a new away of addressing succession

Dec 9, 2019 / European Union
The European Confederation of the Footwear Industry (CEC) and its project partners from Greece, Spain, Lithuania and Poland have officially launched the project

Industry reacts to Vogue Business article

Nov 29, 2019 / European Union
The article titled Fashion's biodiversity problem was published on platform Vogue Business. Several industry bodies arguee it conveys misleading information

EU-Singapore free trade agreement entered into force

Nov 22, 2019 / European Union
The free trade agreement (FTA) signed by the European Union and the Republic of Singapore back in October 2018 entered into force yesterday

EU: 26 million articles suspected of infringing IP rights

Nov 7, 2019 / European Union
The conclusion is from the report on the European Union (EU) customs enforcement of intellectual property rights. Data refers to the year 2018
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