In January 2013 Nobrand established a partnership with Portuguese artist Luio Onassis and created the Mini by Luio. Now the car will tour across Europe
The Portuguese brand announced they will open their first flagship in Colombia, while reinforcing the presence in China and launching a new product line
According to the Portuguese Footwear Association, APICCAPS, exports of footwear will register in 2014 a new record as the industry’ sales abroad will cross the 1 850 million euros threshold
Huang Songfu, the Chinese ambassador in Portugal, believes the increasing purchasing power of the Asian giant can be a key element to leverage Portuguese footwear exports
According to APICCAPS, the Portuguese Footwear, Components and Leather Goods Manufacturers’ Association, during the first nine months of the year the industry managed to increment sales abroad by 9%
According to APICCAPS, the Portuguese Footwear, Components and Leather Goods Manufacturers’ Association, during the first half of the current year exports of synthetic footwear increased 92%
A study sponsored by the Portuguese Government on the impacts of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) points out that the footwear industry is the sector in which the benefits of the agreement will be more significant
According to APICCAPS, the Portuguese Footwear, Components and Leather Goods Manufacturers’ Association, during the first eight months of the year the industry managed to increment sales abroad by 9.4%
Twenty years after its creation, the Portuguese fashion comfort brand continues to expand its distribution network and celebrates the anniversary with the opening of a new store in the US