CTCP and APICCAPS promoted, from the 19th to the 23rd of October, a week dedicated to the leather goods sector. This week had a wide program of online initiatives, such as webinars about production, brands, technologies, luxury and fashion trends
Today you have the opportunity to fill a questionnaire which will help you answering that question. The answers to the questionnaire will feed the implementation of European Union LIFE project GREEN SHOES 4 ALL
Partners of the Erasmus+ SciLed Knowledge Alliance organized their first public workshop during the Milan trade fair and first results achieved by the consortium were presented
After two years of work, the FAMEST project dedicated an entire day, on the 29th of January, to demonstrate some of the results obtained so far and to held some workshops at CTCP (Portugal)
Back in December the Portuguese Footwear, Components, Leather Goods Manufacturers' Association (APICCAPS) has presented a new Action Plan focused on Sustainability
An increasing number of companies are focusing on products based on recycled, recyclable, biodegradable, renewable materials and more durable products and the design element is key on the whole process
The Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre (CTCP) has created a new prototype space where creators can find support to develop prototypes and sample collections
On the 9th of January, the FAMEST project partners met at the headquarters of the CTCP in São João da Madeira to present a new generation of products in key areas of the Footwear and Fashion Cluster
The CTCP, Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre, promoted an event to present new technologies for the local footwear cluster, developed through projects integrated in its digital strategy