World Footwear


European Union footwear market with solid growth

Jul 8, 2014 / European Union
During the first quarter of 2014 the European Union registered a 7% increase in both quantities and value of footwear imported, after a modest increase of 3% in 2013. Growth also characterized the exports in the overall performance of the Union (quantities up by 15% and value up by 8%)

South Africa footwear imports with slight growth

May 19, 2014 / South Africa
In 2013 South Africa footwear imports reached 211.1 million pairs valued at 948.8 million USD, growing 4.2% and 1.1% from 2012, respectively. Exports stabilized at 2012 levels

Italian footwear industry shows signs of recovery

Apr 30, 2014 / Italy
In 2013 Italy’s footwear exports increased 2.5% in volume and 5.6% in value, and reached 220 million pairs valued at 8 073 million euros. The Italian industry managed to invert the deterioration on exports registered in 2012 and seems to be on the growth path again. Average price of the Italian footwear was up by 3.1% and now reaches 36.73 euros
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