To benefit from the European Union (EU) - Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) preferential tariff rates, the product needs to be originating in Japan or the EU
The Committee on International Trade gave its consent to the free trade agreement (FTA) by 29 votes, six votes against and five abstentions and recommends that the EP Plenary should do the same
The Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Japan entered into force last year creating the largest open trade zone in the world. Today we bring you a practical guide for footwear companies
Representatives from the two countries have signed an agreement aimed at easing a trade war that has disturbed the global markets and is impacting the global economy. However, many fear this won't stop the tensions
According to Turkish Statistical Institute the share of large enterprises in exports was 44.6%. Exports were mostly aimed to the EU 28. More details were revealed
According to data prepared by the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados), 9.47 million pairs were shipped in August, 7.4% more than in the same month of 2018
The country enjoys duty-free access to EU markets under the Everything But Arms (EBA) scheme. The European side is now evaluating the withdraw of the trade preferences
Despite all the movements registered in the international markets in the last few years, perfect convergence between continents' consumption is still distant. Information is from the World Footwear Yearbook 2019