World Footwear


Assopellettieri names a new President

Jul 28, 2023 Italy
Assopellettieri names a new President
Claudia Sequi, Vice President of the Firenze-based Pelleterie Claudia, is the new President of the Italian Leather Goods Association for the 23/23 period. She succeeds Fabio Gabbrielli
The 55-year-old Tuscan entrepreneur is also the first female President of the Association. Recently elected during the Assembly organized by Assopellettieri, which is part of Confindustria Moda, she takes the role at a crucial time for the leather goods sector.

In the first quarter of 2023, leather goods exports reached 3 billion euros, up by 12.6% on a comparable basis to the same period of last year; the trade balance stood at 2.1 billion euros, increasing by 18.6% year-over-year. However, production declined by 2.3% in the first three months of the year, continuing to decrease in April and May, casting a shadow over the outlook for the sector, with entrepreneurs growing more cautious.

“We are in a crucial moment for our companies. I feel a very strong responsibility to continue on the path and projects launched by Gabbrielli”, she said, referring specifically to the relaunch of Mipel and the development of Mipel Lab and Stati Generali della Pelletteria Italiana.

“I believe the concept of teamwork will be very important. The context we are in isn't an ideal one, but by working all together we can try to face adversity”, she concluded, having nominated 4 VPs for her mandate: Stefania Orselli of Gucci, Stefano Giacomelli of Tivoli Group, Riccardo Braccialini of Pelletteria Fiorentina Montecristo and Carlo Briccola of Bric's Valigeria Fine.


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