World Footwear


Indian Government introduces new quality standards for footwear

Jun 29, 2023 India
Indian Government introduces new quality standards for footwear
After some postponements, the Indian Government has resolved to proceed with the introduction of new mandatory quality standards for footwear and related products as of the 1st of July
No further extension will be provided. This QCO will ensure domestic production of quality footwear and check sub-standard imports”, stated the director general of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Pramod Kumar Tiwari. The introduction of these quality standards was first announced in October 2020, but its implementation had been extended twice since then.

As of the 1st of July, medium and large-sized footwear manufacturers and importers will have to comply with new mandatory quality standards for footwear and related products. However, small-sized businesses will only have to adapt from the 1st of January 2023, while for micro businesses these standards will be mandatory as of the 1st of July 2024.

The new quality standards establish the types of raw materials that can be used to manufacture footwear, as well as standards for crafting the sole and heel of shoes to ensure safety for the wearer, in accordance with the Indian Standards Institute (ISI) certification rules and the BIS label. The Director General also informed that testing facilities have been set up across the country, thus dismissing companies from creating their own facilities.


Image Credits: Mitul Gajera on Unsplash

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