World Footwear


Guide to Survive the Pandemic ... with Portuguese Shoes

Dec 17, 2020 Portugal
Guide to Survive the Pandemic ... with Portuguese Shoes
APICCAPS, the Portuguese Footwear Association, has launched the publication Guide to Survive the Pandemic ... with Portuguese Shoes. Check it all here
In this publication the competitive arguments offered by the Portuguese industry in its international presence are presented in a format of a guide to survive the pandemic. Local production, flexibility, quick response or privileged location are some of the advantages allowing Portuguese footwear companies to have increased exports by 50% in the last decade, to amounts close to 2 billion euros.

Currently, Portugal exports over 95% of its footwear production and one can find Portuguese Shoes in 163 countries across the five continents.

Check the publication HERE.

Related Organizations

  • CFPIC - Academy of Design and Footwear

    CFPIC - Academy of Design and Footwear

  • CTIC – Portuguese Leather Technology Centre

    CTIC – Portuguese Leather Technology Centre

  • Shoe Museum (Portugal)

    Shoe Museum (Portugal)

  • CTCP - Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre

    CTCP - Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre
