World Footwear


Sales of clothing and footwear down by almost 30% in Mexico

Dec 11, 2020 Mexico
Sales of clothing and footwear down by almost 30% in Mexico
Data is from Servytur's Center for Economic and Trade Studies (CEECS) and highlights a massive hit of the pandemic in the clothing and footwear sales in Mexico. El Heraldo reports
According to the President of the Servytur's Center for Economic and Trade Studies (CEECS), Jorge Davila, essential food products have kept an increase in demand. Within this category of merchandise, non-alcoholic beverages are the only ones that have suffered a drop in sales. General merchandise shows a loss of 1.6%. Amongst the items with the highest demand were pharmaceuticals, sporting goods and hardware, while products such as toys, care items and personal hygiene have suffered great losses in sales.

Clothing and footwear products
have suffered the hardest hit in this crisis, since sales within this category have fallen by 28.8%. Within this category women's clothing declined by 31.1% and children's clothing by 29.4%; men's clothing were down by -28.7%; and footwear decreased by -26.4%.

According to the same source, although retail consumption shows a slight recovery for the third quarter of the year, sales in stores are still below expectations.


Image credits: Carlos Aguilar on Unsplash

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